Knots: Scouter Recognition Awards

Post date: Apr 22, 2012 7:23:0 PM

Throughout their Scouting experience scouts can get many different awards; merit badges, rank badges, etc. Well, guess what... they are not alone. Scouters can receive many awards. These awards are typically displayed over the left pocket, in the form of "square knot patches". Square knots can be awarded for many different achievements.

The following link lists the various knots and their requirements.

If a Scouter has earned certain achievements, like Arrow of Light and Eagle Scout as a youth, he can wear certain square knots as an adult.

Some Scouters will tell you that they do not like to be singled out. These are RECOGNITION awards. It's our way of saying thank you for your hard work. In the long run, everyone likes to be recognized. Finally, the District Banquet is coming up in February. This is the perfect opportunity to have awards presented to the Scouters in your Unit.

I'm in charge of handling all of Blackland Prairie's Scouter Knot Recognition Awards. All applications can be sent to for processing. You can email me a PDF of the completed application, or call me and we can meet. The best way to get them to me is to meet me at Round Table.