Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Post date: Jan 31, 2013 8:6:25 PM

The Troop is planning on holding a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on Saturday, April 6th, 2013.

On the same day, 4/6, in the morning, the MUD will be holding the Keep Wells Branch Beautiful event in conjunction with the annual Texas Trash Off with Keep Texas Beautiful event and has reached out to us to see if our Troop can be involved.

Work Assignments -

  • Decorations - To be confirmed

  • Head Chef/Kitchen Coordinator - Yancy

  • Ticket Sales/Front Table Coordinator - Venae Beverages - Lakshmi

  • Scout coordinator/Treasurer - Devon

  • Purchasing - Venae/Lakshmi

  • Kitchen Assistants - Jennifer Bacchi/Regail

  • Communications/Signs - Greg/Venae

  • Donations Coordinator - Olga

Entertainment -

We discussed asking the Scouts what they might like to do as far as entertainment. Perhaps a skit or music?

Ideas discussed were:

Red/white checkered table covers (plastic sheeting)

Centerpieces - empty wine bottles with candles balloons

Dress for Scouts - Scouts will need to be in their Class A uniforms since it is a Troop event, however, the boys serving food will be able to wear a white apron, which the Troop will provide, to protect their clothes. We also discussed getting fun items like fake mustaches and chef hats.

Communications - We discussed writing up an announcement about the event for the Wells Branch newsletter. Venae offered to contact Horizon Printing to see about getting approx. 10 signs made that could be placed around the neighborhood leading up to the event (2 weeks prior?). We’ll also ask the MUD if we can have the event posted on their signs (on Wells Branch and in front of the park on Klattenhoff).

Raffle Item - Discussed putting together a theme basket or two that folks could bid on as part of a silent auction. Themes discussed:

  • Italian basket

  • chocolate basket

  • Gift card basket

  • UT/A&M theme basket

  • also talked about possibly offering services or local donated items if possible

We will want to discuss this further as soliciting for donations would need focused attention by whomever may volunteer to lead that effort and put baskets together.

Tickets - Recommended pre-selling tickets for the event, in order to help us determine attendance more accurately.

Ticket prices will be $10 per adult and $5 per child

Venae offered for her and Greg to design and print the tickets. Tickets can then be distributed to the boys for sale before the event (would want to start preselling 2-3 weeks before event - TBD).

I’ll also check with the MUD to see if we can set up a table at the park and sell tickets, or drop off tickets at the MUD offices or activity center, for people to walk in and purchase.

We’ll track sales and present a recognition award for most tickets sold at the event.

Volunteer Information

If you would like to volunteer or help put, please get in touch with:

Devon Gray

Troop 1409 Fundraising Chair/Interim Treasurer

(512) 818-1028

We have lots to discuss, and several people have already offered to assist. If you are one of those special folks or would like to help at this point, please meet me at the Annex. I'll keep the meeting to an hour.

Future T1409 Spaghetti Dinner Planning Meetings

  • 2/28 - 7:00p — WB Annex.

  • 3/14 - 7:00p — WB Annex.

  • 3/28 - 7:00p — Final Meeting (WB Annex)