WEBELOS Woods Scout Recruitment
Post date: Aug 26, 2012 10:10:4 PM
The scouts of Troop 1409 will be working hard to generate a display and set of activities to demonstrate at the WEBELOS Woods being held the weekend of October 19th. The scouts will master the topics and be able to demonstrate some of the interesting and fascinating activities that they will be able to participate in when they join the scouts of Troop 1409.For the next Troop Meeting (September 9th) each scout needs to bring with them a written piece of paper with THREE (3) things that they have learned or they thought was really fun that they did as part of Troop 1409 (campouts, skills, activities, events, friendships formed, leadership roles, etc..) We will compile this list and then have the scouts all vote on the top 2 or 3 items to display and demonstrate at WEBELOS Woods.Scouts who participates in the WEBELOS Woods or other recruitment activity and are able to successfully recruit a WEBELOS cub scout to join the Troop and the troop is able to retain the scout for more than two months, our Scout Master has a special incentive gift that will be award to the scout. Please inquire with SM Roger Gray for details.Parents and Leaders
Please work with your scout to encourage their creativity and help jog their memory regarding the assignment for the the next Troop Meeting. Please review the following article: "Strategies for retaining Webelos Scouts after they cross over" where it is discussed how many troops work hard to recruit graduating Webelos Scouts, only to see them drop out because they don’t think they fit in. This article has lots of suggestions that we might want to consider.