WEBELOS Invitational Campout at LPSR!
Post date: Dec 02, 2012 7:33:4 PM
The Troop will be camping at Lost Pines Scout Ranch with a bunch of invited WEBELOS scouts. We will be showing them what a great Troop that we have and all the fun and learning experiences that these WEBELOS scouts look forward to if they join our Troop!
1/15/2013: More information is forth coming with schedules, agenda and menus for food.
It looks like Roger Gray and our junior ASM, Chris, will be the only Troop leaders at the event this weekend. So, Roger need some commitments from the parents to come along and assist us. This camp-out is a recruitment event. We will be trying to recruit the WEBELOS and the parents.
Lastly, this event has been on the calendar for awhile. It's been covered in the meetings. I realize that people get sick, things come up, and there are conflicts. I had hoped that there would be many of our boys there this weekend. For our troop to be successful, and keep growing, we need more visibility and support from our adults. In the past, I've led events by myself. Trust me, it is a lot easier to have more than one.