Youth Protection Training!
Post date: Jul 14, 2014 1:40:5 AM
Rich Michelson, our fearless Scoutmaster, will be presenting the Texas in-person Youth Protection Training at the Troop Meeting on August 24th at 2pm.Every parent and adult who wishes to participate in any of the camp-outs, work with scouts on merit badges, or activities that the Troop participates in!
Required Training
Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers.
Youth Protection training must be taken every two years. If a volunteer’s Youth Protection training record is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be re-registered.
BSA Classroom Facilitated Youth Protection Training
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do we have to take BSA Classroom Facilitated Youth Protection Training?
A: The on-line version of YPT Training offe red through the BSA is not, and will not be approved nor accepted by the State of Texas as adequate YPT Training for attending State Licensed camp programs.
Q: Who does this effect?
A: All adults (both BSA registered and non-registered) 18 years old and older attending or staffing a long term camping program.
Q: Which Camps does this effect?
A: The requirement includes but is not limited to: Council Resident Boy Scout Camp (Summer Camp and Winter Camp), Council Resident Cub Scout Camp, Day Camp, NYLT Courses
Q: When does this go into effect?
A: Effective date for this requirement is January 1, 2012.
Q: Can’t I just show my YPT training certificate?
A: No. A new training card will be issued at each BSA Classroom Facilitated Youth Protection Training which has the Texas State Course Code on it indicating that it is an approved course for compliance at camp.
Q: How much time do I have to get trained?
A: Training may be taken at any approved course before camp or within 24 hours after arriving at camp. If training is taken prior to camp, the adults must provide a copy of the card for the unit file. The card must be available to any camp inspector.
Q: How often do I have to take this course?
A: At this time, we’ve been told it is good for 2 years.
Q: Will this course count for my registration with the BSA?
A: Yes. The record of taking this course w ill be entered into ScoutNET for all registered adults. For non-BSA registered adults we w ill keep a database of course completions.
Q: If I want to visit my Scout at camp will I have to take the training?
A: No. Short term visitors are not required to have this training to come to camp. However, they may only stay for the day, they may only interact with their child and they may not facilitate or teach any classes or sessions or supervise youth other than their own.
Q: Is there a test to take?
A: Yes. There is a 26 question test after the video which you will be required to pass with 70% proficiency. If you do not pass the first time, you may re-take the test.
Q: Will this apply to Scout Units Leaders taking trips outside Texas, such as Colorado, Philmont, Northern Tier, Canada or the Bahamas?
A: This change is at the direction of the St ate of Texas and applies only to Texas camps. If a unit is going to another state that has similar regulations, the camp will notify you of the regulations for that state.
Q: Does this apply to weekend (two night) Scout Camping?
A: This does not apply to unit weekend camping trips.