Troop Build Benches for Camp Wilderness Ridge

Post date: Aug 23, 2012 2:44:16 AM

Thank you note from the Camp Director:

From: Ron Hunt <>

Date: August 25, 2012 11:11:48 PM CDT

Subject: Troop 1409 -- Thank You

Troop 1409,

Congratulations on a job well done. The benches build for Camp Wilderness Ridge by you guys are terrific. Thank you for using sawmill lumber from burnt pine trees from last year's wildfires in the Bastrop area. We will use the benches in many ways for events and activities during our summer camps and as serve retreats and campout groups.

Thank you Brock for being a servant-leader for this project.

I hope Troop 1409 can come again to experience CWR's forest and challenging activities.


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Christ Jesus, Ron


Ron Hunt

Camp Director

Camp Wilderness Ridge

P.O. Box 1025

Smithville, TX 78957

512.237.4442 or cell: 512.554.5074

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Here's some pictures of our troop delivering the benches out at Camp Wilderness Ridge. The 2 men in the picture are Camp Director Shawn Hammer and his Brother-in-Law Chris. Both men are Eagle Scouts!

How did this opportunity come about?

Brock is working on service hours and a co-worker of mine told me how she was going out to Bastrop almost every week-end to help out a camp that burnt down in last year during the Bastrop fire. I got a hold of the camp director and he asked if we could build benches for them.

Last week Brock and I went out to the camp and met the camp director Ron Hunt and assistant camp director Shawn Hammer and picked up a bench and load of saw-milled wood that was cut from burnt pine trees.

Since then Brock and I have been cutting the material for the build and yesterday the troop had a great time putting the benches together. We had 4 scouts stay until 5pm working on and cleaning up the project.

We taking the wooden pine benches that we built to Camp Wilderness Ridge. We will present our benches to the Assistant Camp Director - Shawn Hammer. Shawn is a Eagle Scout and is excited to meet the troop. He would like to give us a tour of the 118ac. camp.

Here is a link of the camp

Troop 1409 Bench Building

Click on any of the images to a larger version.