Annual Troop Registration Due!

Post date: Sep 14, 2014 7:44:16 PM

Annual Troop Registration is due by October 5th!

Annual Registration is $100 per scout, Adults $25.

So how do I pay for this?

  • If you scout has money in their scout account from fund raisers, you can use that money towards registration.

  • You can pay with cash or check (made payable to “Troop 1409”) as well.

  • Or any combination of scout account, cash or check.

For those who want to use electronic banking, the troop can except both credit cards and electronic checks.

So, please let the Troop Treasurer ( know if you have any questions.

Registration requirements, for all (scouts and adults)

  • Registration Form

  • Payment (see above)

  • Medical A&B, if you did not submit for Summer 2014 camp, please submit.

  • ADULTS: Need YPT. We will hold a formal training.