2012-07-02 Committee Meeting Minutes

Post date: Jul 05, 2012 8:11:8 PM

BSA Troop 1409

Committee Meeting Minutes

July 2, 2012

7:00 PM


Devon Gray - Interim Treasurer, Fundraising Chair

Greg Jewett - Communications Chair/Webmaster

Rich Michelson - ASM

Michael Ames - Volunteer Coordinator

Scott Swain - Committee Chair


Call To Order

Meeting commenced at 7:00 PM


Going forward, minutes from committee meetings will be recorded in a similar format and then posted to the Troop website for public dissemination.

Minutes will be posted within one week of meeting date.

Finance Review:

Current balance as of last statement is as follows:

Total Balance - $3077.67

Checks outstanding - $1170.00

Scout Account Balance - $683.89

General Funds - $1223.78

Outstanding Dues/Fees - $550.30

Will post new update once we have the June statement in hand.

Devon hopes to have review of last 12 months of expenses completed by mid-August to assist in 2012-2013 budget planning.

Discussed the need to have another individual on the bank account as an authorized signer. Currently, only Roger is authorized to sign. Once he is back from Lost Pines, he can coordinate to meet Scott (?) at the bank (First Texas in Pflugerville) to have him added.


Devon discussed having further discussions with the Scouts and leaders to determine if Philmont will be a goal. If so, need to decide if we will shoot for a contingent in summer 2014 or 2015 (more Scouts will be able to go if we wait until 2015).

Based on decision, Devon can then start working on getting quotes for the cost of the trip, so payment schedules can be made for those Scouts that wish to participate. We will also be able to start planning for more fundraising activities leading up to the event.

Popcorn orders are due at the end of July. Devon will be sending out a note by 7/6 to find out how many Scouts wish to participate, so she can place an order for Show N Sell. She will be bringing some left over popcorn packets from last year to sell at Fourthfest 7/4.

Action Item - Devon to send email to parents/Scouts to determine number of Scouts to participate in Show N Sell (due by 7/6).

Camping Activities:

Rich mentioned investigating a possible canoeing trip down the Colorado River (?) to Matagorda Bay. Would need to be a fall/spring event to avoid extreme temperatures.

Matagorda Bay campout is still planned for late July 2012 (weekend of 27-29). Leaders need to follow up with Lakshmi to see if spots are reserved and if so how many. We need a firm count of Scouts that will be attending, as well as adults/leaders. Ensuring that we have enough vehicles to transport everyone will be key.

Committee also discussed need to meet with Scouts and discuss their desires for next year’s campouts. Tyler Bacchi had expressed concern that more backpacking campouts were not occurring. Scouts should meet prior to August committee meeting to discuss how they would like to plan upcoming campouts and split between car camping and backpacking.

Committee mentioned that it may be time to develop two different camping tracks or alternate car camping with backpacking. Perhaps plan car camping for hotter months only?

Need to have PLCs involved in August committee meeting when we begin setting calendar for the following school year.

Action Item - Rich will discuss planning with the Scouts at upcoming Sunday meeting

Community Service

Devon brought up the need to perhaps plan for more community service projects.

Action Item - Rich will discuss with the Scouts to see what type of projects they may wish to participate in, as well as how often.

Court of Review/Court of Honor

Next Court of Honor is planned for August 5th. This is the first we’ve had in a year due to various conflicts in planning. Committee agreed that future CoHs and BoRs need to be firm on the upcoming calendar, to avoid cancelations and delays.

Next BoR is scheduled for 7/22.

Action Item - Michael Ames will contact parents to ensure we have at least four that will participate in the BoR 7/22

Action Item - need to contact Wells Branch to see if we can reserve the event center at Klattenhoff Park. (Who owns this action item?)

Action Item - need to recruit Advancements Chair and develop communication that can be posted on the website to instruct parents/Scouts about the documentation required to qualify for advancements (need owner for this action item)


Discussed need to post descriptions and information on open committee positions.

Action Item - Greg Jewett to assist in posting details

Devon mentioned need to perhaps schedule Parent meeting early in the school year to recruit for the committee as well as sign up for specific events. Parents should commit to assisting with at least one committee and one event at a minimum.

Current Committee:

    • Committee Chair - Mike Ames

    • Treasurer - Devon Gray (acting)

    • Membership Recruiting - Open

    • Advancements - Open

    • Training - Open

    • Secretary - Jennifer Bacchi

    • Camping - Lakshmi Damerla

    • Fundraising - Devon Gray

    • Communications/Webmaster - Greg Jewett

    • Volunteers - Scott Swain

    • Community Service - Open

Action Item - Greg to develop format and publish monthly newsletter, which can be published on the website as well as printed and distributed to Scouts/parents at meetings

Action Item - Devon to investigate how to extend admin access on the Yahoo group to Greg Jewett so he can access email addresses/membership info


Tshirt purchase is moving forward! Details on the design options have been sent to parents/Scouts and posted to the website. Everyone has been asked to send their tshirt requests to Devon by 7/22 so we can move forward with placing the order. Goal is to have shirts for distribution in August, before school starts.

**Meeting concluded at 8:00 PM**