Troop Members going to NAYLE!
Post date: Mar 13, 2015 2:21:4 PM
The Troop has been busy preparing for the upcoming summer camps and activities. We have three scouts that are going to Philmont this summer to attend the NAYLE program in the rugged northern New Mexico wilderness. The National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) is the ultimate in training experiences for youth leaders, both young men and women. It is conducted for older Scouts who have the potential for being on the staff of the council junior leader training or youth leader training conference. The Troop has been attending the leadership classes that Scoutmaster Rich Michelson has been putting together. Please help us congratulate Life and Star scouts Andrew, Sean and Evan on completing NYLT, the prerequisite for attending NAYLE.
The Boy Scouts want you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of America’s foremost youth program for boys. Come see us at Troop 1409. The Troop meets at Wells Branch MUD Annex (14611 Wells Port Drive, Austin, Texas, 78728) and meet on Sunday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 pm.